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“Be still and know that I am God” -Psalm 46:10 


Patience! Something the Lord has been putting on my heart since my time here in Costa Rica. We live such a busy life in the US. Always having a to-do list, constantly running from one thing to the other, and occupying ourselves with at least something throughout the day. Here, life is slow. We eat when the food is ready, people take time to ask ‘how are you’ and  they actually mean it; they stay until they receive an honest answer. It’s a beautiful thing- to be able to live without a schedule and without having something to do, just soaking up the time with those around you and enjoying life. Something I long to have and the Lord is walking me through. It’s hard! 


I have a difficult time just sitting and being. I often find myself pacing around the house trying to find something to do. Today, was a day of rest. I spent my time with the Lord, hung out with people, watercolored, and by the time noon hit, I found myself pacing again trying to find something to do. I was sitting on our swings and the Lord spoke to me. He said, 


“My child, slow down. Rest. Stop being in a hurry to find something new to do. You don’t need to come to me with an agenda. You don’t need to be doing something to be spending time with me. I am with you in everything and everywhere. The wind, the trees, the butterflies, the sky. Sit with me and see my beauty. Talk to me. Tell me about your day. I want to hear what you are thinking about. I want you to slow down, and just sit. Soak up my presence. Life will not always be this slow. This life you are living right now is a gift. Soak it up and be still with me.”


This hit me hard. God longs for us to slow down. He doesn’t want us to be busy-that is not His desire. He doesn’t want us to do, He wants us to be. I was wasting my time trying to find something to do when there was nothing for me to do. Most of the times when we are busy we long for life to slow down. But when we finally get to actually slow down, what are we doing with that time? Are we finding more stuff to do? Or are we resting, soaking up the beauty in life that we truly do long for? 


Something I am challenging myself is to be intentional with my time and the people around me. Putting down my phone and creating space for intentional conversations. Finding time to actually rest so I can love myself well. Being patient and slow to the busy things in life. How can you be intentional with your time this week? How can you slow down?


Anyway, I made it to Costa Rica about a week ago!! This past week we have been receiving training from our ministry hosts so we are best equipped for the next three months. Our ministry hosts are the absolute coolest. We are working with the ministry ‘The Hope Project’ also known as ’Til He Returns’.  Ministry will look like all sorts of things. We will be working with their pregnancy center, teaching English, evangelism, coffee and crafts and so much more!! Along with pouring out, our hosts will also be taking time to pour into us by providing Spanish classes and discipleship classes as well!

5 responses to “My Child, Rest”

  1. Morgan ~ Again I am impressed by the wisdom & spiritual maturity that this time has brought you. The ability to be still and really hear what God is speaking to you is a precious gift. To be able to tune out the voices and opinions all around and be led by the Spirit is a treasure that will last a lifetime. It is always interesting to me that you and I are often on the same page. The words I wrote during time with Lord last week for 2021 were :
    Praying we each embrace these going forward “resting, soaking up the beauty in life” Love you so much, Nani

  2. Wow muy impresionante, tienes mucha razón a veces la vida no se trata de cortar nada más, no es una carrera para ver quién llega primero a la meta, cada persona tiene su propio destino, no te estreses tanto por lograr las cosas antes que todos los demás, la vida no es sólo cumplir los propósitos, si no aprender de los errores y admirar cada paso que damos, eso es lo bonito de la vida, es cuando uno va de viaje si quieres llegar a tu destino obvio no quites la mirada de el, pero lo bueno de los viajes es apreciar el camino, la belleza que hay en el, ese es mi aporte muy cierto todo creo que ya tengo algo que hacer acá en el trabajo, cómo leer lo que escribes que es muy bonito

  3. Wow muy impresionante, tienes mucha razón a veces la vida no se trata de correr nada más, no es una carrera para ver quién llega primero a la meta, cada persona tiene su propio destino, no te estreses tanto por lograr las cosas antes que todos los demás, la vida no es sólo cumplir los propósitos, si no aprender de los errores y admirar cada paso que damos, eso es lo bonito de la vida, es como cuando uno va de viaje si, quieres llegar a tu destino obvio no quites la mirada de el, pero lo bueno de los viajes es apreciar el camino, la belleza que hay en el, ese es mi aporte muy cierto todo creo que ya tengo algo que hacer acá en el trabajo, cómo leer lo que escribes que es muy bonito

  4. Hi Morgan, I LOVE this message, exactly what the Lord has been telling me this past year “slow down” . I totally relate to “wasting my time trying to find something to do when there is nothing to do” Just to be, to notice, to make time for conversations. good things take time, I “know” this in my head, now to move down into my heart…. Praying for you as you slow down and see what each day’s gift is.

  5. Gods truly blessed you with wisdom that is a gift. Keep walking with your eyes on the Lord,Morgan. It’s an awesome sight to see. I love you! Papa